1. Content Blocks
How do you add Content Blocks to your site?
link would not work (video)
2. Content Types
What are the eight different types of content you can add?
Photos, Navigation, Videos, Design Text, Discovery, HTML, Social
3. Photos
When you add photos to SmugMug, which are the FOUR different ways you can organize and display them? Briefly explain what each method does.
Single Photo: Add a block that contains a 1 image to any page, gallery/folder
Multiple Photos: Add a block that contains more than one image to any page, gallery/folder
Slideshow: Adding a slideshow to any of the contents above
Carousel:add a photo carousel to any of the contents above
4. Navigation
What are the THREE different types of Navigation items you can add to your SmugMug account? Briefly explain what each does.
Menu: Build a navigation bar with links to other pages on your site, as well as to any external sites you'd like your viewers to visit/see
Breadcrumb: Add a breadcrumb to reveal the links between your homepage and the page being view
Featured Events "pro": Feature an event on any page you create.
5. Design Elements
What are the THREE kinds of design elements can you add? What do they do?
Logo: Including your logo anywhere on your SmugMug site to brand your page
Separator: Adding page separators to your site to help guide viewers' eyes
Spacer: Adding spacing between content blocks to give your content more breathing room
6. Colorspace
What "Colorspace" should your images be processed in to be uploaded to SmugMug?
sRGD color space
7. Cropping
Should you crop your images before uploading to SmugMug? Why?
proof delay, cause others could cause confusion
8. Resolution
What is the minimum resolution size for an 8" by 10" print?