Monday, October 19, 2015

Stock Photography and legal issues

1. What is a model release? Why do you need one?

A model release is when you have a model sign to release that you may have a photo of them and use it how you like. You ned to protect yourself so you don't get sued or anything.2. Why should you keyword your photos?

to go back to it later #laterz

3. Why do you have to be careful about shooting images with band names or logos?

copyright !!

4. Why should you save space?

for putting in words and for cropping

5. Why do designers like Royalty Free images?

it stops them from their product being used

6. Why should designers be careful about using Royalty Free images?

the way the photographer uses their product

7. What is an alternative to Royalty Free images?

having to blank out products or being sued

8. In your words, what is the difference between Royalty Free and Rights Managed stock photography?

in Rights Managed you can pay different about for the photo based on what you're using it Royalty free you just pay once and the seller can sell to more than one person

9.If I photograph a crowd at a football stadium and i published it but the boss of one of the people in the people in the photo recognizes him as an employee who called in sick that day and fires him, can he sue me for causing him to lose his job
10.  taking pictures of people at a concert i can get in trouble? 

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